20Coming between the host of Egypt and the host of Israel. It was a cloud and darkness to the Egyptians, but it gave light by night to the Israelites; and the one host did not come near the other all night.
21Then Moses stretched out his hand over the sea, and the Lord caused the sea to go back by a strong east wind all that night and made the sea dry land; and the waters were divided.
This is when Israel was delivered from Egypt. This is after the plagues and Israel is being lead out to the red sea. Pharaoh is coming out after them to enslave them again.
So this is the end. Finally... long and awaited, but it came. No matter how much of a grip pharaoh had, or how much Israel desired to be slaves again, God brought them out to a promised land. God is faithful, and loyal to the end. I was reading this and seeing how it was the angle of the Lord that went from the front to the back of Israel to stand in between Pharaoh and Israel. Egypt is a representation of our flesh, our carnal side. When I was reading this, I felt so humbled. I began to think of Gandalf from the first part of the Lord of the Rings. The part where he is standing in front of that huge monster, on a bridge protecting the others from it. His famous word, "You shall not pass!". With saying that, he shoves his staff into the bridge and sacrifices himself for the others.
It is God that protects us from our carnal side. He is the one that delivered us from the slavery that it had on us. We must be delivered from our flesh. To many Christian's simply give up to early, or they forget to remember there covenant. God comes to separate light from darkness, good from evil, spirit from flesh. Don't give up to early and remember your covenant that you have. No matter what we say or do, it simply does not matter God will save us, always. I feel that it's easy to forget. But remember that it was Jesus who stood in between Pharaoh and Israel, not letting them pass.
"Father what have we done? How empty we are, we really are. Holy Spirit we keep you at a distance for our indulgences. Fill our bodies with your spirit and renew are minds. Free us from the bondage of our flesh"