Sunday, March 15, 2009

Break over me, and steer me from loneliness

Acts 6:15 "All who were sitting in the Sanhedrin looked intently at Stephen, and they saw that his face was like the face of an angel."

This is the end of chapter six. Stephen was arrested and was being questioned about things he had said and done. All of them were false, yet the Sanhedren had him arrested.

Stephen did mighty works, and this was the end of his life. Being questioned by people who didn't care for him. Who hated him. Just thinking about the loneliness he was feeling made me think of times of my own loneliness. I've been dealing with loneliness lately. I sometimes feel that I have the whole world on my mind and on my heart. I can feel so empty. Stephen should have received a trial. A trial for his sins, failures, or shortcoming. His actions that had effected others negatively. You fill in the blank. Stephen stood up in front of the teachers of the law. In front of the Law its self and was being question about his actions and words. Even in front of the rejection of his own people, God stood with him. In that lonely place where you can feel so void. The Holy Spirit was there as a ever present peace. I sever a God that is a warrior. Who fights, seeks, explores, and protects. Stephen stood in that court and was full of a warrior's heart. When he was asked to give his opinion he did. He began to speak and set up his case. But he doesn't defend himself. He speaks to the heart of the matter. The bravery and aggression in stephen is something I admire. He didn't give into loneliness, rejection, or depression. His oppression, he did not carry, a man full of confidence.
The point, when the world came down on him. He lifted up his eyes. Letting the hurt go... He surrender himself completely, letting God fill his void. There is no condemnation for those in Christ Jesus. No Condemnation! He still shined on stephens face.

"Come and shine on me Lord. Come and fill me with you. I just, surrender all to you. Take me away from this court of accusations and bring me to your home. My Father, you have never let me go. Break a new bread of me tonight and drink a new wine for me. For Father I plan on coming back from where I left."

1 comment:

carey_s said...

first of all, I love your blog! I can tell you are really close to God and I admire that :)

second, everytime I read about Stephen it makes me cry. He had such humility and was so passionate about Jesus. and I like how you said "The point, when the world came down on him. He lifted up his eyes. Letting the hurt go... He surrender himself completely, letting God fill his void. " I never really thought of it like that, that he let God fill his void. that's something I've been trying to do, so I don't fill my voids with things of this world. it's so hard but so worth letting Him fill it.